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Closure—Why You Want It and What Wanting It Does to You

It is human to want some finality, but it's not always healthy.

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 17: How Can I Find Help?

Dr. David covers resources to find local care and support.

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 14: When to Start HIV Treatment

Dr. David covers what happens when you are diagnosed with HIV and the importance of starting treatment right away

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 12: Repeat Test?

Dr. David talks about HIV testing and the facts on the "window period" after a negative result.

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 7: He Says he's Undetectable...?

Dr. Demetre explains how with medication someone with HIV can suppress the virus and lower risk of infection.

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 4: Does HIV Always Lead to AIDS?

Dr. David explains how treatment can keep HIV in check.

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 2: Why Are Gay Men at Greater Risk for HIV?

Dr. David explains what's behind the higher rates of infection among gay men.

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 20: HIV and Hormones?

Dr. David talks transitioning safely for people with HIV

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 19: Can I Take a Break?

Dr. Leandro explains why you should always talk to your doctor before taking a break or stopping your HIV meds.

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 16: Disclosure 101

Dr. David talks you through sharing your status.

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 13: The ABC's of STD's?

Dr. Leandro talks about all of the STDs gay men should be tested for and why.

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 11: To Douche or Not To Douche?

Dr. David discusses all things douching. Including how it can actually put you at a higher risk for HIV

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 9: Herbal Treatments?

Dr. David talks about the risks of non approved, alternative treatments in HIV

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 6: Can I Get HIV if My Partner is Undetectable

Dr. David talks about the effectiveness of treatment in reducing risk.

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 18: Switching?

Dr. David walks you through what to consider if you're thinking about switching your meds.

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 15: Can I Still Have Sex?

Dr. Leandro talks safer sex for people living with HIV

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 10: What's the Deal with Lube

Dr. David covers different types of lube and how they can prevent HIV.

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 8: I'm Undetectable — Do I Still Have HIV?

Dr. Demetre explains that being undetectable means that HIV is suppressed but not gone.

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 5: Treatment Prevents Spreading HIV?

Dr. Demetre explains how HIV meds reduce the risk of passing the virus on to a partner.

#AskTheHIVDoc Season 3, Ep 3: HIV & AIDS: What's the Difference?

Dr. Leandro explains HIV, AIDS and how they're connected.