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Just Diagnosed

STUDY: Bisexuality Is on the Rise

A 2016 report from the CDC show that more people are identifying as bisexual and more men are admitting they've had same-sex sexual contact.

So, You Just Found Out You Have HIV?

Here are a few things you need to know now.

Broadway Actor Comes Out HIV-Positive For A Greater Purpose

Dimitri Moise is joining the fight against HIV in the black community, proving that being poz doesn’t have to derail your dreams.

Why You Should Take Control of Your HIV Treatment From Day One

It's only human to want your doctor to take control after an HIV diagnoses. 

Can I Get HIV Through Oral Sex?

Here's everything you want to know, and then some.

New App Provides Alternative To Googling Your Symptoms

This app should eliminate many a sleepless night. 

How to Disclose Your HIV Status in 5 Easy Steps

The first step is making sure you're not alone in all this.

How to Disclose Your HIV Status to Your Family and Friends

Opening up to the people who love you is sometimes the first step to living a healthy life. 

Hernando Umana on Finding Faith in HIs HIV Journey

I AM THE FIRST: This actor turn entrepreneur went viral by sharing his truth.

What You Need to Know When You First Find Out You Have HIV

Your diagnosis may seem overwhelming, but we can help you through it. Here’s what you need to do next.

Stop Procrastinating on Your Self-Care Plan

Procrastination Doesn’t Come Out of the Blue.  What’s Behind Yours? 

Mother's Day In the Age of HIV

How she kept love going, even after learning the hard way (while she was pregnant) that her boyfriend was HIV-positive.

WATCH: Student, Sex Worker, Activist, and HIV-Positive

Lyle Muns was part of the Netherlands' delegation at the International Conference on AIDS (#AIDS2018) in Amsterdam in July.

Dr. Andrew Spieldenner is Showing the Next Generation HIV Positivity

I AM THE FIRST: From drug user to doctor, this HIV activist is welcome in the halls of power now. 

Men in China Are Four Times as Likely to Have HIV Than Women

The gender gap in HIV epidemiology in China is continuing to expand, but what is the country doing about it? 

Is HIV Transmission Different for Women?

Investigators took a deeper look into what happens when women contract HIV during male-to-female sex.

This College Kid is Using Grindr To Hook Up… HIV Testing

A young activist is disrupting HIV testing with only one tent, and hundreds of passionate college kids.

30 Things You Should Know About HIV But Were Afraid to Ask

You’ve got questions about HIV, we’ve got the answers. Here’s what you need to know to stay healthy, protect yourself and others, and move forward with what should still be a long, happy life.

HIV Burden on Youth

New Infographics show how HIV affects youth.