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An Australian Doctor Has Some Answers About PrEP User With HIV

An Australian man contracted HIV while practicing PrEP. Now, a doctor who consulted on the case is answering everyone's burning questions.

Melissa Harris-Perry on Expanding the Definition of Blackness

The connection between HIV and Black Lives Matter are much deeper when the definition of blackness includes all "problematic" bodies. 

Op Ed: On-Demand PrEP Strategies Work Despite Recent Contraction

An Australian man may have contracted HIV while practicing on-demand PrEP — but that changes nothing. PrEP is exceedingly effective, and an essential part of plans to end the epidemic.

Op-Ed: Anti-Vaping Vote A Setback for Poz Health

 HIV-positive smokers are up to 13 times more likely to die from lung cancer than from AIDS-related causes and vaping could curb this — but San Francisco just banned most products. 

The Future of HIV Treatment—and PrEP: Long Acting Injectables

Renowned HIV Researcher Dr. David Ho say injectables take human error out of the mix.