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After-Sex Pill Could Reduce STIs for Gay Men & Trans Women

A low dose of an antibiotic could decrease some STIs affecting gay and bisexual men and transgender women.

New U.S. Monkeypox Vaccine Strategy is a Gamble But Could Help Supply

Lowering the MPV vaccine's dosage may help extend supply — but it is enough to keep us protected?

How to Handle COVID Now? Health Leaders Can't Agree on Answer

The nation's medical experts don't have consensus on how to respond to a persistent epidemic.

So is Monkeypox an STD or Isn't It?

The debate on whether to label MPV a "sexually transmitted disease" that affects mostly "gay and bi men" rages on. 

Monkeypox: Rare in Children, But K-12 Schools Are Playing It Safe

While almost all reported MPV cases have occurred in adults so far, elementary schools across the country are bracing for a bigger outbreak.