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Editor's Column

Celebrating Black History Month with our annual African American issue

We cover many of the major health issues affecting the Black community today — plus some joy, love, and laughter.

Latinx Community, We Still Need to Talk About HIV

I hope this issue inspires as much as it educates.

Comunidad Latinx, Todavía Tenemos que Hablar Sobre el VIH

Espero que este número inspire tanto como eduque. 

When It Comes to HIV Treatment, We've Come a Long Way, Baby

In this issue, we celebrate the many advances in HIV treatment and prevention, and chat with reality TV pioneer Danny Roberts of The Real World Homecoming: New Orleans

HIV Testing is Self-Care: Take Care of You and Others Too!

National HIV Testing Day reminds us that knowing one’s status can make a happier, healthier world for all.

How Many Relationships Has HIV Stigma Destroyed?

Ten years ago, a serodiscordant relationship withered. Now, the concept of undetectable equals untransmittable may overcome HIV paranoia.

Editor's Letter: On New Beginnings, a Few Goodbyes, and Many Thanks

Diane Anderson-Minshall introduces Plus's new editor in chief and shares her excitement for the future.

Why We Can Never Stop Fighting HIV

HIV is no longer a death sentence, but to deny that some people still experience it that way is to miss what happens to young Black men today.

Why We Still Need HIV Warriors

We need to be able to hear and amplify the voices that have been ignored, marginalized, or outright silenced. 

Getting To Undetectable Should Never Be An Uphill Battle

Get on treatment as soon as you find out you’re HIV-positive. For most people, that’s enough to become undetectable in a matter of weeks.

The Fight Against HIV Will Not Waver

People living with HIV are a resilient bunch, and history continues to repeat itself. 

What Are Your Resolutions For 2019?

The new year is always a great time to step back and look at where you’ve been and where you’re going.

Visibility Matters

Coming out HIV-positive is getting easier.

Everyday Is HIV Awareness Day For Us

Many TV news programs and local newspapers cover HIV only on one of those particular dates each year — whichever one they find most important. For a magazine like Plus, we cover it all, but we also hear about the aftermath.

Spring Awakening

Riveting portraits of ordinary lives of people living with HIV populate this issue.

How The Media Covers HIV Impacts All of Us

Here's hoping our cover story on DeMarco Majors is the right way.

Editor's Letter: Our 100th Issue

Why this milestone matters.

Editor's Note: My Thoughts on the New Issue of HIV Plus

Why are black gay men still getting HIV at alarming rates? We investigate.