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Don’t Keep the Doctor Away!

Don’t Keep the Doctor Away!


There are some key questions newly diagnosed patients should consider when choosing an HIV care specialist. ''Does he or she treat other patients with HIV? Choosing a provider with expertise in HIV disease management is crucial. ''What is his or her training and background? ''Does he or she explain things so that you clearly understand them? ''Do you feel comfortable asking questions, even ones that might seem embarrassing? ''Will you be comfortable talking about personal issues that may affect your health? ''Are there other health professionals'nurses, social workers, dietitians, treatment educators'working closely with your doctor? ''Is the office easy to get to so you won't miss appointments? ''Is your doctor easy to reach in an emergency? How quickly does he or she call you back after you've left a message? ''Which hospital does your doctor send patients to, and are you comfortable with that choice? SOURCE: 'Talking, Living, Connecting: A Guide to Managing HIV' brochure prepared by Agouron Pharmaceuticals and Pfizer as part of the companies' national 'Dialogues: Education and Treatment for a Well Planned Future' campaign

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