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Life to the Fullest

Life to the Fullest


Welcome to our 10th anniversary year and first issue of our redesigned magazine, which has been months in the making with our editorial team. When we launched HIV Plus in 1998, the U.S. epidemic was at a very different stage than it is today. The results of HIVers having access to highly active antiretroviral therapy were just starting to be able to be tracked by medical experts, and the news was good. Things were still not perfect, but it was clear that treatment had turned the corner. Now, a decade later, the treatment time line is reaching another milestone, with new classes of drugs appearing on the market in 2007 and even more likely to arrive in the coming months. Even HIVers with significant drug-resistance problems are expected, according to experts, to potentially reap big benefits with these new therapy options. With such a positive forecast, we knew it was time to turn a corner with our magazine as well. While we have no plans to abandon our 'Research+Treatment' heritage that's served us so well, we have decided that it was time to broaden the scope of news and lifestyle journalism for HIV-positive people. Thus, with this issue, we inaugurate our 'Life to the Fullest' approach by bringing you the stories of other HIVers as well as news of the opportunities that we hope inspire you to move your life forward--get out of the house and enjoy the day or evening, engage in activities and outings through community groups and make new friends, or even start your own networking opportunity. Whatever it is, get out there and do it. And live it up for every moment you can!

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