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Giving Attitude

Giving Attitude

Great Job 'We applaud you for your leadership in working to scale back the largesse of the federal involvement at these international conferences.' 'A letter sent from two dozen Republican members of Congress to Health and Human Services secretary Tommy Thompson on his decision to limit the number of U.S. scientists attending the 2004 International AIDS Conference to just 50Bad Job 'There's no question the magnitude of this problem goes well beyond the resources and the focus of the president's emergency plan.' 'U.S. global AIDS coordinator Randall Tobias on the limitations of the president's five-year, $15 billion global AIDS programYeah, Bad Job 'Significant new funding for Ryan White CARE Act programs is essential. We urge you to pay attention to this growing crisis and propose a strategy to address it.' 'A letter sent by several Democratic members of Congress to Health and Human Services secretary Tommy Thompson urging additional spending for AIDS Drug Assistance ProgramsHolding Back... 'This is an epidemic that never needed to happen. It's actually man-made. We knew how to prevent it.' 'Allan Clear, director of New York's Harm Reduction Coalition, on how needle-exchange programs could have prevented HIV infections among injection drug usersAnd Cutting Loose 'When you start shaking your finger and saying, 'bad boy' and 'bad girl,' it's creating an environment that is stigmatizing.' 'Terje Anderson, executive director of the National Association of People With AIDS, on the effects of programs urging HIV-positive people to practice safer sex and not share drug needlesThe 'Mighty' Leaders 'This is a slap in the face to the approximately 7 million HIV/AIDS sufferers in South Africa.' 'South African opposition leader Tony Leon on the April reappointment of health minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang, who criticizes antiretroviral drugs and advocates dietary changes to combat HIVThe Need for Leaders 'Knowledge is power. In the age of AIDS, ignorance is not bliss.' 'Ron Weatherford, chairman of the North Carolina Faith Brain Trust, on the importance of churches breaking their silence on HIV issuesWe're Watching It would be 'unconscionable if drug manufacturers are taking such unscrupulous actions to maximize their bottom lines at the expense of patients suffering with AIDS.' 'Senate Commerce Committee chairman John McCain, calling for the Federal Trade Commission to investigate the 400% price increase on the protease inhibitor NorvirWe're Still Watching 'It is not fair any longer for the American taxpayer, consumer, and patient to be at the bottom of an inverted triangle supporting the research and development' of prescription drugs. 'Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, telling Food and Drug Administration officials that a prescription drug reimportation bill is likely to pass Congress, during a hearing in MayWhy Aren't You Watching? The 'CDC's refusal to accept and utilize code-based data presents an inaccurate picture of the nation's epidemic and in doing so undermines the national effort to win the battle against HIV.' 'A letter sent from 15 U.S. lawmakers to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Julie Gerberding, asking the agency to accept HIV data from 15 states using code-based HIV reporting systems
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