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Giving Attitude

Giving Attitude

We Won't Be Bullied... 'The president has requested $200 million for next year, and I think that is more than adequate.' 'U.S. global AIDS coordinator Randall Tobias, turning back calls by U.N. secretary-general Kofi Annan for the United States to contribute $1 billion to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and MalariaBut We'll Bully You 'Tantamount to blackmail.' 'French president Jacques Chirac, on efforts by U.S. trade negotiators to press developing nations to give up their rights to make or import cheap, generic anti-HIV drugs in exchange for free-trade agreements with the United StatesThose Dirty Little Secrets... 'I can't spend the next six years responding to every crazy press conference that people who don't know what they're talking about have.' 'New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, in response to a city council report showing that most AIDS housing in the city violates health and safety codesThose Dirty Little Acts... 'We need to tell our children that abstinence is the only certain way to avoid contracting HIV. It works every time.' 'President George W. BushWho Will Be Judged... 'This is where bigotry gets into the big discussion.' 'Poul Nielson, European commissioner for development and humanitarian aid, on efforts by the Vatican to discourage condom use worldwide for both HIV protection and contraceptionIn the Light of the Facts 'In 100 years the only lens that historians will use for the 21st century will be AIDS. Our grandchildren will ask, 'Where were you when 100 million died?''' 'Richard Stearns, president of World Vision
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