Mondo Guerra's fashion sense became apparent when he first appeared on screen for Project Runway season eight, but the Mexican-American designer really came into his own as a fashion plate on Project Runway: All-Stars and in the years since both shows aired. This season he was a mentor on the Project Runway spinoff, Under the Gunn, and he sported some very interesting duds so we had to share some of our favorites. (Unless otherwise credited, all images from

Is that a cape? It's Soho meets the Lone Ranger.
Jeans and a tee done right.

You can mix patterns, prints, and colors as long as the shoes are burgundy velvet.

It's the trucker hat that pulls it all together.

This would be perfect for prom in Miami, right?

Mondo rocks a shorts suit with spiked sandals.

The black jacket returns.

Are those dinosaur socks? Love 'em.

This the mentors just being casual. Which of course means we see Mondo's gams.