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HIV Transmission Via Sex Nearly Tripled in Iran

HIV Transmission Via Sex Nearly Tripled in Iran


A new report from Iran's Labour and Social Security Ministry office says that 75% of people with HIV in Iran don't know it.

Iranian Labour and Social Security Ministry official Hassan Mousavi said Wednesday that the country had new cause for concern because the annual percentage rate of reported AIDS infections acquired through sex rose from 12 percent during the years 1986-2011 to 33 percent for the years 2011-2012, according to the Centers for Disease Control (and based on an article in Trend Azerbaijan). Half of all the infected individuals were between the ages of 25 and 36. The Iranian Committee to Combat AIDS, reported that 100,000 HIV carriers lived in Iran but only 27,000 were registered, leaving approximately 75,000 unaware of their disease. The CDC reports that information about HIV and AIDS is unavailable in Iran for religious reasons, so individuals are uninformed about virus transmission, which leads to an increase in infections. I



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