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Plus Seeks Transgender Women for Paid Survey on Sexual Health

Plus Seeks Transgender Women for Paid Survey on Sexual Health


Participants can earn up to $200 for an hour of their time speaking about their sexual health.

Plus magazine is seeking transgender women interested in participating in a paid market research project about sexual health.  

The project will involve confidential 60-minute online or in-person (only in Chicago) conversation with research professionals. All responses will remain anonymous and not be linked to your identity. There will be no follow-up or attempt to sell you anything. 


To qualify you must be:

1. HIV+, or concerned that you may be at risk for getting HIV.
2. You must be willing to talk openly about your sexual health.

If you or anyone you know is interested and would like to answer a few questions to see if you qualify to participate, please reach out to the following email with your name, email and phone number:


If you live in the Chicago area and can come in person:
If you do not live in the Chicago area and can answer online:

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