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Fate of Sex Education Training?

Fate of Sex Education Training?

Metro Nashville Public Schools officials and representatives of the AIDS service organization Nashville CARES planned to meet April 21 to decide the fate of a peer-training sex education program. Two months ago, a leadership class for students at Hillsboro High School hosted outside speakers from Nashville CARES.

Presenters use models of the male and female reproductive systems. When a student had difficulty understanding how barrier methods help prevent STDs, a member from the agency put a condom on the male genitalia while explaining how it could stop STD transmission.

The district put the training on hold after receiving complaints. Nashville CARES director of prevention, Patrick Luther, said he and school officials agree part of the lesson went too far.

Tennessee law prohibits "contraceptive methods" from being brought into the classroom. The discussion was to focus on how to restart the training within the framework of state law.

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