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New Compound Is Potent Against Hep C

New Compound Is Potent Against Hep C

Bristol-Myers Squibb researchers have announced that the experimental compound BMS-790052 proved potent against hepatitis C infection in an early phase I trial. The compound was highly effective in blocking the protein NS5A, which is essential for HCV replication, they said.

"A lot like HIV, it is anticipated that a combination of at least three drugs will be required to prevent the emergence of resistance," said Nicholas Meanwell, one of the researchers.

A single 100 milligram dose of BMS-790052 was associated with a drop in blood viral load of more than 99.9%. In a phase II trial, early data showed that seven of eight patients taking the highest dose had undetectable HCV levels, while the eighth had stopped taking the drug for an interim.

"The data we've seen so far is extremely encouraging," Meanwell said.

The full report, "Chemical Genetics Strategy Identifies an HCV NS5A Inhibitor with a Potent Clinical Effect," was published early online by Nature.

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