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G8 Leaders Make HIV Statement

G8 Leaders Make HIV Statement

Following is an excerpt from the "Development" section of the "G8 Muskoka Declaration: Recovery and New Beginnings," a statement issued Saturday by leaders of the Group of Eight leading economies: "We reaffirm our commitment to come as close as possible to universal access to prevention, treatment, care, and support with respect to HIV/AIDS. We will support country-led efforts to achieve this objective by making the third voluntary replenishment conference of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria in October 2010 a success. We encourage other national and private sector donors to provide financial support for the Global Fund. We commit to promote integration of HIV and sexual and reproductive health, rights, and services within the broader context of strengthening health systems. G-8 donors also remain steadfast in their support for polio eradication and remain committed to a polio-free world. We continue to support the control or elimination of high-burden neglected tropical diseases."

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