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NYC�s Controversial HIV Campaign Continues

NYC�s Controversial HIV Campaign Continues


New York City's controversial public service announcements warning of the effects HIV can have on the body is going underground.

The "It's Never Just HIV" campaign will be featured on subway platforms and in trains around the city.

City health commissioner Thomas Farley, MD, said in a statement Tuesday that the expanded campaign was designed to specifically grab the attention of black and Latino men.

"More than half, 57%, of all new HIV diagnoses in New York City were among black and Hispanic men in 2009," he said. "These messages are designed to remind young men that, even with the tremendous progress that has been made in treatment for this disease, it is still dangerous and the best way to stay HIV-free is to use condoms consistently."

He also noted that gay and bisexual men accounted for 43% of newly diagnosed HIV infections in the city.

The television spots that aired for the campaign in December and January featured graphic images portraying HIV-related health problems, including bone loss, dementia, and anal cancer.

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